Your free to imagine what ever you want. What ever floats your boat. But for the record I am not nor was I ever what you suggest. weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
Your free to imagine what ever you want. What ever floats your boat. But for the record I am not nor was I ever what you suggest. weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
Lett watching the Royal Commission public hearing in a state of denial: )
the royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
Holy crap! they are going definitely lose their charity status, I think this thing is gonna snowball on them and cause repercussion all over the world, lets see Rubber Mouth Lett talk his way out of this one on broad casting!
the royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
i keep reading of some guy who is so upset at someone that he goes into a theater and shoots 20 people..
or a kid that is so mad that the other kids made fun of him that he goes to school and shoots a bunch of kids..
or some guy that was fired from his job and he goes back and shoots of bunch of his workers. weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
You disappoint me dude! I thought you were classier than that.
Well it has never been my wish to please every point of view, so all I can say tough shit pal your to your small mindedness
I take it that you don't like certain types of humor hey don't lett it shock you too much so that you can't laugh at this stuff which BTW is a unique function of the brain's processing power to get a joke and laugh in response(remember Data(startreck) who could not come to terms with a joke because of his limited limitless processing power?) . weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
I don't know why were broke:
The Faithful and Discreet Slave has lost Discretion and we just bought a bunch of contaminated property we are inundated with lawsuits pay outs nobody wants to contribute to a approaching bankruptcy religious corporation that is a has been end of the world delusional cult like they did in the good ole day of ignorance and bliss which we have tried so hard to perpetuate in this day of rapid information access. weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
Lett watching gay porn while touching himself and fantasizing about deep throating the big one of his favorite porn star:
Lett getting warmed up to give head to Tight Pants Tony while a new boy from the writing department gives him a prostate massage with a rubber duck he found in the Bethel trash.
i keep reading of some guy who is so upset at someone that he goes into a theater and shoots 20 people..
or a kid that is so mad that the other kids made fun of him that he goes to school and shoots a bunch of kids..
or some guy that was fired from his job and he goes back and shoots of bunch of his workers.
carter said that as a young man he used to be a jehovah's witness before he was a baptist christian.. .
"it's hard to grow up with such a foundational system and just let it go.
Yikes! A president of a major nuclear power who can push the button to a nuclear war was once part of a dooms day cult that views the world as under the power Satan the Devil. Or even the fact that it was the wife and not the prez reduces the the shock potential.
Thankfully he was a level headed president that didn't allow residual cult programming of his wife or him to interfere that much in foreign policy.